Price and Payment Methods

2. Price and Payment Methods

2.1 Credits Price and Payment
The price of Storage & Delivery Credits will be as quoted on our website from time to time, except in cases of obvious error. These prices exclude UK VAT, where applicable. Prices on the website are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which we have already sent you an e-mail confirming your order or a bespoke service contract price.
You can pay for Credits by a number of means. If you pay by:
2.2 Credit/Debit Card or PayPal
The contract between us will be formed and the Credits purchased will be added to your User Account as soon as your payment has been accepted. Your Credits account balance will be updated and we will e-mail you an order confirmation.
2.3 Cheque, Direct Bank or Wire Transfer
When you order Credits, a Pro-forma invoice and payment instructions will be available on screen for you to print and will also be e-mailed to you. Your order will be logged in the Order History & Transactions section of your User Account as 'Awaiting Payment'. You can cancel this and any new order at any time before payment via your Order History from your User Account Profile page. Once we have received your payment the contract between us will be formed and the Credits will be added to your account. We will then e-mail you an order confirmation and paid Invoice.