Business Support & Services Directory Listings (4)

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  • PharmaDJ & RNDer IR/PR/Media Services GLOBAL / China

    Tell Your Story in China with PharmaDJ & RNDer

    PharmaDJ is an online portal providing tailored services and intelligence of the Chinese market for Biotech & Phama executives - building a bridge to China market for foreign companies doing business in China. Founded by industry-recognized editors, PharmaDJ is a leading publication providing value-added analysis for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies doing business in China, with a mission to facilitate drug R&D and regulatory science in China.

    Promoted by PharmaDJ China (China)

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  • BLOOMBERG NEWSROOM IR/PR/Media Services GLOBAL / United States

    Tell Your Story on

    Bloomberg delivers business and markets news, data, analysis, and video to the world, featuring stories from Businessweek and Bloomberg News. Broadcast your news releases, product launches and strategic updates. Upload your videos, audio recordings, images, texts and documents to reach viewers. Contact Bloomberg marketing services about marketing options, promotion on Bloomberg Platforms or if you are interested in other Bloomberg marketing and advertising services -

    Promoted by BLOOMBERG NEWSROOM (United States)

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  • TellYourStory Worldwide IR/PR/Media Services GLOBAL / United Kingdom

    Tell Your Story on Define Media

    Define Media places your brand and messages in front of key international decision makers in your sectors. We provide an independent meeting place for investors, companies, media and market specialists to publish videos, audio recordings, images and documents targeting both the retail and professional financial audiences. We aim to bring investors and companies together and help businesses of all sizes expand reach and make real impact online with timely and effective multimedia communications.

    Promoted by Define Media (TellYourStory) (United Kingdom)

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  • Informa Pharma Intelligence | Scrip IR/PR/Media Services GLOBAL / United Kingdom

    Tell Your Story on PItCH - dedicated communications hub on Informa Pharma Intelligence | Scrip

    Pharma Intelligence the Communications Hub (PItCH) is a dedicated multimedia communications portal on Scrip for the global life sciences industry. Companies, investors and market specialists can broadcast earnings, news releases, product launches and strategic updates, 24/7. Gain full control, greater reach and value from your online video, audio and text communications. Place your brand and products in front of key decision makers and receive instant feedback.

    Promoted by PItCH Companies (United Kingdom)

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