Tell Your Story

Upload Your Broadcasts Now

GiGaSoft Content Management Platform

Video platform for your multimedia content management

In order for your broadcasts to be distributed on the TellYourStory network, you must first register for a GiGaSoft platform User Account at or click the 'Join Channel' button directly from within the publisher's hub channel, if it is enabled.

Please observe Define Media's Terms of Use applying to your access and use of our websites, platform, portal and media player applets and services plus the contractual obligations in your Client Services Agreement governing the Terms & Conditions for the Supply of Services.

Upload your broadcasts

Videos, audio recordings, images, documents and texts

From your registered User Account on GiGaSoft platform:

  • Click Upload Media >   then select  On-Demand Audio & Video
  • Upload your audio or video files, in several supported formats, and enter the properties such as: title, description, presenter information, company and website link and, if necessary, upload subtitles for language support. Attach up to six key documents such as press releases, transcripts, factsheets, profiles, presentations or financials to be distributed with your video or audio and easily sync slides to video or audio to create full presentation webcasts.

Note:  A punchy title and fully completed meaningful properties will enhance your broadcast SEO.  Upload clean high resolution images in the sizes specified to maximize impact on your brand presence.

Publishing your broadcasts

Submitting your broadcasts for distribution on the TellYourStory network

Click the Options button next to your processed audio or video file and:

  • Select Share or Distribute >  then select  Share One-to-One option

  • Search and select your preferred publisher account as provided by your agent

  • Checkbox on the account name in search results then click Confirm Recipient & Share

Allow up to 2 hours for your broadcasts to be approved for delivery to viewers on the publisher's multimedia communications hub. 

Track Performance with Analytics

Measure performance with real-time traffic and viewing analytics

Once your broadcasts have been published, you can track viewers and measure traffic and audience reach performance with our comprehensive and real-time analytics including comments, questions and feedback directly from your User Account at

Click on a broadcast title to drill down the detailed traffic and viewer report.  Download the statistics into Excel  for your internal analysis including data tables and charts about your audience, document downloads, viewer location, behaviour and relevance. Any viewer feedback, comments or questions are sent directly to your user account and email address.

After 12 Months Promotion

What happens to your broadcasts after 12 months on the publishers' hubs

Define Media's obligation to host and promote your broadcasts on the TellYourStory network ends after 12 months from the upload date; however, if your GiGaSoft user account has a positive content Storage & Delivery Credits balance, you may continue to stream your broadcasts on the hubs for as long as you want including any shared, distributed or embedded copies published on any other websites including your own.  

You own and control your broadcasts and all documents and other content you upload to your GiGaSoft user account. You have 24/7 access to manage your content, to view and download analytics, pause, withdraw or delete your broadcasts from publication.

Making Payments

Paying for your GiGaSoft platform usage and the TellYourStorage distribution network 

Define Media is the primary service provider, developing and operating GiGaSoft content management and delivery platform and the TellYourStory targeted content distribution network, therefore, also processes service payments to ensure your content is received and timely delivered for publishing, without delays.

From the payment section at, select the option to ‘Pay a Service Invoice’ and enter the amount as confirmed by your agent. Several payment methods are available including credit/debit cards, bank and wire transfers. Once funds are cleared, payment confirmation is immediately sent to your account e-mail address and the services are activated on your account.

It is necessary for you to register your own account so that you can receive viewer comments, feedback, questions and inquiries directly to your email inbox. Furthermore, it is necessary to make payments directly from your account so that, where applicable, you can enter your company VAT number and for the purpose of instant confirmation, invoicing and promptly receiving the services you require.

Need help?

Contact Define Media tech, media or marketing teams

TellYourStory distribution network =

About marketing services, content production, submitting your broadcasts for distribution on specific publisher hubs in the network or if you are a sector specialist publisher seeking to join the network.


GiGaSoft content management platform =

About uploading your broadcasts, live streaming, syncing presentation slides to videos, embedded multimedia player Applets for your websites, feeds, sharing and bulk distribution, adding XML ad tags to monetize your broadcasts, tracking performance with analytics or if something is not working.


Define Media company = Contact Form

About our company, press inquiries, your comments, feedback or complaints, advertising, working with us, accounts, making payments, media and policies.